Thank you for taking time to provide us with your feedback. Your feedback is very valuable to us in our effort to constantly improve our services and the quality in which we deliver them.

    How many employees are currently on your payroll?

    What types of jobs do you have in your company? (check all that apply)
    Professional/Technical/ScientificManagerialAdministrative SupportProduction/General LaborOther non-professional

    Have you listed a job with MassHire Merrimack Valley Career Center in the past 12 month?

    If Yes, what type of job did you list with us? (check all that apply)
    Professional/Technical/ScientificManagerialAdministrative SupportProduction/General LaborOther non-professional

    Have you listed a job with a service agency other than MassHire Merrimack Valley Career Center in the past 12 month?

    Please rate your satisfaction with the following Services (Please respond for each service):
    Understands my business:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Timely response to listing job orders:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Referrals met the education and skill level requested:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Referrals had an understanding of Workplace Habits:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Job Fairs:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Tax Credit Information:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Work Force Training Funds Information:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Employer Breakfast:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Wage and Salary Information:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Facilities Rental:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Labor Market Information:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service
    Unemployment Information:
    Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid Not UseUnaware of Service

    How important would you rate the following services in assisting you meet your workforce development needs:
    Understands my business:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Timely response to listing job orders:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Referrals met the education and skill level requested:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Referrals had an understanding of Workplace Habits:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Job Fairs:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Tax Credit Information:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Work Force Training Funds Information:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Employer Breakfast:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Wage and Salary Information:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Facilities Rental:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Labor Market Information:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important
    Unemployment Information:
    Very ImportantImportantMinimal ValueNot Important

    What key factors would influence you to use MassHire Merrimack Valley Career Center in helping you solve your business needs?
    Understanding my businessCost of ServiceTimely reply to requestQuality of serviceOther
    If other, please specify:

    Which of the following services would you consider paying a competitive price for?
    Job FairsAdvertising on Web site/NewsletterRoom RentalsWage and Salary informationRecruitmentOut Placement ServicesLabor Market InformationPre-Screening of ApplicantsAssistance with Job RetentionSupport to Human Resources (ADA, Sexual Harassment Training, Management Training, Interviewing)Job applicant skills testingCreate Job DescriptionsSponsorshipOn Site WorkshopsOther

    Contact a Representative

    Contact a Business Representative today to take advantage of these services and more!

    Didn’t Find Your Answer?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you find the answers to your questions!