- No events scheduled for March 16, 2024.
- No events scheduled for March 17, 2024.
Week of Events
En Persona – Esenciales de una Computadora
En Persona – Esenciales de una Computadora
Aprenda o agregue sus conocimientos sobre las diferentes categorías de computadoras y las [...]
In-person Resume Essentials – OBTT
In-person Resume Essentials – OBTT
This event is open to veterans and the public. Resume Essentials: This workshop [...]
In-Person – Compelling Cover & Thank You Letters
In-Person – Compelling Cover & Thank You Letters
Cover letters give you the opportunity to build a bridge between your experience [...]
In-person Resume Writing – OBTT
In-person Resume Writing – OBTT
This in-person event is open to veterans and the public. During this workshop, [...]
USPS In Person Recruitment
In-Person – MS Word Essentials
In-Person – MS Word Essentials
Get an overview understanding and see a LIVE DEMONSTRATION on some of the [...]
En Persona – Esenciales para un Currículo
En Persona – Esenciales para un Currículo
Obtenga información valiosa al crear y / o editar su currículo. Comprenda las [...]
Virtual – MS Excel Essentials
Virtual – MS Excel Essentials
Get an overview understanding and see a LIVE DEMONSTRATION on some of the [...]
IRS – Informational Zoom Session
Virtual – Resume Essentials
Virtual – Resume Essentials
Get some valuable insight when creating and/or editing your resume. Understand the essential [...]
In-Person – Resume Writing 2: Communicating Your Value
In-Person – Resume Writing 2: Communicating Your Value
If you’ve taken Resume Essentials, or are ready to go beyond the basics, [...]
Virtual – Esenciales para una Entrevista
Virtual – Esenciales para una Entrevista
Agregue sus conocimientos en cómo prepararse y presentarse, colectar información esencial y tener [...]
Virtual – Interview Mastery 2
Virtual – Interview Mastery 2
If you've taken Interview Essentials, this workshop provides hands-on practice. It's an opportunity [...]
Virtual – TORQ
Virtual – Networking Strategies & Skills: Why, Who, and How
Virtual – Networking Strategies & Skills: Why, Who, and How
Research consistently shows that 65-70% of jobs are found through networking. It's a [...]
Virtual – LinkedIn 2: Your Most Powerful Job Search Networking Tool
Virtual – LinkedIn 2: Your Most Powerful Job Search Networking Tool
Research shows that 80% of jobs are found through networking and one of [...]