Virtual – MS Word Essentials
Get an overview understanding and see a LIVE DEMONSTRATION on some of the [...]
In-Person- Networking Strategies & Skills: Why, Who, and How
Research consistently shows that 65-70% of jobs are found through networking. It's a [...]
In-Person – MS Word Essentials
Get an overview understanding and see a LIVE DEMONSTRATION on some of the [...]
Virtual – Esenciales para una Entrevista
Agregue sus conocimientos en cómo prepararse y presentarse, colectar información esencial y tener [...]
Virtual – Behavioral Interview Questions: Telling Your Story
Behavioral interview questions require you to communicate specific, concrete examples instead of general [...]
Virtual – Labor Market Info & Tools
Learn about market research tools that can guide you to make decisions throughout [...]
Virtual – Interviewing Essentials
Know how to prepare and present yourself, gather essential information, and being confident [...]
Virtual – LinkedIn 2: Your Most Powerful Job Search Networking Tool
Research shows that 80% of jobs are found through networking and one of [...]
Virtual – Salary Negotiation
Job offers are more than just offers of salary. They are about the [...]
Virtual – Información de Mercado Laboral y Herramientas
Conozca las herramientas de investigación de mercado laboral que pueden guiarlo para tomar [...]