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Virtual – Información de Mercado Laboral y Herramientas
Conozca las herramientas de investigación de mercado laboral que pueden guiarlo para tomar [...]
En-Persona – Esenciales para un Currículum
Obtenga información valiosa al crear y / o editar su currículo. Comprenda las [...]
Virtual – Networking Strategies & Skills: Why, Who, and How
Research consistently shows that 65-70% of jobs are found through networking. It's a [...]
Virtual – Resume Writing 2: Communicating Your Value & ATS
If you’ve taken Resume Essentials, or are ready to go beyond the basics, [...]
Virtual – Resume Essentials
Get some valuable insight when creating and/or editing your resume. Understand the essential [...]
Virtual – MS Word Essentials
Get an overview understanding and see a LIVE DEMONSTRATION of some of the [...]
Virtual – Interview Mastery 2
If you've tak [...]